Legal Resources Blog
We share our insights into the issues surrounding the legal services we provide.

Understanding the Choice to Divorce During Pregnancy
Some couples find themselves facing the decision to divorce during pregnancy. Perhaps you face mounting tensions and the financial difficulties that come with the added responsibility of a child. Or maybe the paternity of the child is in question. No matter what the reason, it is essential to understand your rights and options as an expecting mother or father. Find out why couples choose to divorce while pregnant, the legal implications, and what you may want to consider before making any decisions.

Contested vs Uncontested Divorce in North Carolina
A contested divorce means that a couple cannot agree on the crucial issues and must rely on the court to settle their differences. However, in an uncontested divorce, a couple works out the details of their divorce agreement so that the judicial process is much easier and less costly. Let’s look at the differences in contested vs uncontested divorce in North Carolina.

Divorce and Adultery in North Carolina: What You Need to Know
If you are considering divorce and adultery is involved, you may wonder what impact this will have on your divorce proceedings. Adultery can bring different outcomes to the amount of alimony and post-separation support. Let’s look at how adultery affects divorce in North Carolina.

Lack of Commitment: A Top Reason For Divorce
When it comes to relationships, commitment is vital. Without it, marriages can quickly fall apart. In the United States, lack of commitment is one of the top four reasons couples divorce. Learn what lack of commitment means and how it can play out in your marriage. We’ll also consider when it might be time to consider marriage counseling or separation and divorce.

Pros and Cons of a Contested Divorce in North Carolina
When a couple can’t agree on the terms of their divorce, one spouse may file for a contested divorce. This means that the couple cannot come to an agreement on the issues involved on their own and must rely on the court to settle their differences. Learn what you need to know if you’re considering filing for contested divorce in North Carolina.

How Long Do You Have to Pay Alimony in North Carolina?
How long you have to pay alimony in North Carolina? This is not a simple question. The answer can vary depending on the facts of your case. If you are considering divorce and need to know how long you may be obligated to pay spousal support, read on. Learn the factors that courts consider when ruling on alimony payments. Knowing what to expect can help you make informed decisions about your divorce case.

How to Get a Restraining Order in North Carolina
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may be wondering how to protect yourself. Learn about the process for obtaining a restraining order in North Carolina. And find out the different types of restraining orders available and what they can do to protect you.

Is Your Marriage Worth Saving? 10 Broken Marriage Quotes to Help You Decide
When is it time to quit? This is a question that many people ask themselves, and the answer is not always clear. Sometimes you have to hold on tight and fight for what’s yours. But other times, you’re ready to let go and move on. Explore broken marriage quotes from those who have been in your shoes to decide if your marriage is worth saving or if it’s time for divorce. Only you can make the decision, but these quotes may give you some guidance along the way.

Domestic Violence in North Carolina: How to Find Help
If you’re dealing with domestic violence in North Carolina, knowing your options is essential. You may feel scared, alone, or helpless, but help is available. Learn the steps you can take to get yourself and any children to safety. Keep in mind that domestic violence is never okay, and it’s crucial to reach out for help if abuse occurs in your home.

The Grief Recovery Method For Separation and Divorce
If you are dealing with the pain of a separation or divorce, this may be a difficult time. One way to cope is by using the Grief Recovery Method. This method can help you move beyond the devastating feelings of loss and move into a life with more hope and joy. Learn about the Grief Recovery Method and how it can help you recover from your separation or divorce.

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