Alimony in North Carolina: How Long Does It Last?

Alimony in North Carolina: How Long Does It Last?

No one answer fits everyone when it comes to how long alimony will last. It depends on many factors, including the couple’s income and the length of their marriage. In North Carolina, a judge can order support for a specified or indefinite term. Let’s look...
How to Know What Type of Divorce You Need

How to Know What Type of Divorce You Need

No one ever said that getting divorced was easy, but it can be much less complicated if you know about the different types of divorce. You may have heard the terms: collaborative divorce, no-fault divorce, uncontested divorce, divorce from bed and board, and absolute...
When Alienation of Affection Leads to Divorce

When Alienation of Affection Leads to Divorce

Love is the cornerstone of any successful marriage. When someone else takes that love away, a marriage can quickly fall apart. If you experience alienation of affection in your marriage, you may wonder if there is anything you can do. Let’s explore what alienation of...
4 Sneaky Divorce Tactics to Watch Out For

4 Sneaky Divorce Tactics to Watch Out For

If you think your spouse is planning to leave you, or if they have already left, it’s crucial to watch out for sneaky divorce tactics. Often, the person intending to divorce will try to keep things quiet and under wraps to gain an advantage. Here are 4 sneaky...