Legal Resources Blog
We share our insights into the issues surrounding the legal services we provide.

How to Deal with Divorce Grief
If you’ve gone through a divorce, you’ve faced the death of a dream. Whether contentious and complex or straightforward and uncontested, divorce is painful. No matter how “easy” your divorce is, there is a grief associated to letting go of your married life and finding your way into a new place of peace and contentment as a single person again. Let’s look at how to deal with your divorce grief.

With 50 50 Custody, Who Pays Child Support?
If you’re facing divorce, you need to know whether you will have enough income to care for yourself and your children. When both parents have 50 50 custody, who pays child support, and how much do they pay? Read more to learn how it all works.

How to Get Custody of a Child
If you worry about a child’s well-being with their parents or caregivers, you may wonder how to get custody of a child. However, getting child custody is sometimes not easy, even as a parent. The process of getting child custody is often long and challenging, but a child’s best interests are worth the effort. Let’s look at some of the ways that individuals successfully get custody of a child.

How to Get An Uncontested Divorce in NC
Uncontested divorce in NC doesn’t have to be complicated. If you meet specific criteria and can negotiate and work through agreements with your spouse, you can get a divorce in North Carolina without too much fuss or hassle.

Protection for Domestic Violence Survivors During COVID-19
With the advent of COVID-19, Americans are confronting numerous challenges and changes, from work to school to family relationships. The stay-at-home orders have intensified the societal upheaval we all face. Although enacted to prevent the spread of corona-virus,...

The Coronavirus’ Impact on Child Custody Schedules
We have all become accustomed to living “six feet apart” and the restrictions of the “Stay at home” and “shelter in place” orders issued for North Carolina. Schools, gyms, restaurants and other non-essential businesses have been shut down. We greet one another with...

North Carolina Alimony
North Carolina is a “no-fault” divorce state meaning that neither spouse has to be at fault to obtain a divorce. The grounds required for a divorce in North Carolina are that the parties must have lived separate and apart for one year and a day with the intent to...

What You Should Know About Child Support
Even in the most straightforward divorces, things can quickly become contentious. This is especially true when children are involved. Parents suddenly do not see eye-to-eye and fights ensue about parenting methods, custodial time and child support. Determining child...

Do I need a lawyer or should I pay the traffic ticket fine and fees online?
What Are My Traffic Ticket Options? One of the most common questions asked about traffic tickets is whether it is best to pay the fee online and avoid going to court? There are limited circumstances in which a traffic ticket can be paid online without going to court....

What is Equitable Distribution of Marital Property in a Divorce?
What is Equitable Distribution? In North Carolina, equitable distribution is the process of dividing assets and debts that were acquired during marriage. One spouse must file an Equitable Distribution action prior to the final divorce judgment to protect their rights...

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