How to Avoid Discovery in Divorce

How to Avoid Discovery in Divorce

Many couples work through separation and divorce issues with counselors or mediation. However, you and your spouse may not find an agreement for the terms of your separation and divorce. In that case, your divorce attorneys go through a “Discovery” process where...
What is Alienation of Affection in NC?

What is Alienation of Affection in NC?

You have a precious commodity if you are in a good marriage with genuine love and affection. After all, as the song says, “all you need is love.” However, if your spouse has an affair, you may feel rightfully upset at the lover for taking the affections you enjoyed. ...
How to Get Full Custody in NC

How to Get Full Custody in NC

When children come into your life, it’s like your heart starts beating for the first time all over again. You know that you’ll do anything to love and protect them. These strong feelings for your children can make divorce child custody issues more difficult. It’s hard...
The Essential Divorce Hearing Guide

The Essential Divorce Hearing Guide

North Carolina is a “no-fault” divorce state, which means that either spouse can file for a divorce. As long as you live separately for one year, you or your spouse can file for an absolute divorce. Whether you wanted the divorce or not, after your year of separation,...